Monday, October 5, 2009

Replace or Restore Historic Windows

(for more information go to or email me:

Are Replacement Windows Maintenance Free?
I believe what we are all looking for is a solution that is environmentally sound and sustainable, and one that does not compromise the historic integrity of the property. From a recent article by Walter Sedovic and Jill Gotthelf a question asked is, are replacement windows maintenance free . . . "no" according to Michael Jackson, FAIA, chief architect of the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency. Jackson said in a recent presentation that "maintenance free" means it can't be repaired. Vinyl, fiberglass & aluminum windows -- and insulated glass -- are formed using materials and techniques that are not conservable. Once they fade, warp, or fail, there is virtually nothing that can be done but to replace again.

I would love to receive any information about successful window replacement or restoration in historic homes.

Historic Boulder has a most informative web site: At the top is an index, where you can click on "green" . . This is a wonderful resource. You will also find an interactive link that points out the various parts of a house most likely to be the source of "leaks".

Also, a special note: This Wednesday, October 14th, Historic Boulder will present the second Fall session of its popular Salon Series. The presentation will be "Sears Catalogue (Kit Houses) in Boulder County". Heather Lewis, principal in Animal Arts architecture firm and past chair of the Louisville Historic Preservation Commission will talk about how they arrived in several thousand pieces and a set of instructions, and people went to the train station to pick up what would become their new home. The Salon is free, open to the public and held at the Spruce Street Mansion. Feel free to email for times and further information.